by Doosan Lentjes
... and Grab more Green Profits with CBE than ever before.
Low Waste Fuel Quality: affects 95% of all Projects
Expect Results
increase fuel quality, calorific value while reducing moisture, impurities, sulfur, chloride, inconsistency
We provide Solutions for
Wasted Power: 66% of all Plants Underperform
Expect Results
increase fuel flexibility, boiler efficiency, load stability, stop heat /air /soot /smelting issues, boost ash quality
Too many owners and operators give in to poor boiler efficiency and high internal per unit cost, wasting substantial bottom line. Not enough projects monitor and increase output while reducing costs and emissions. Very few re-invested into modernizing fuel, power, environmental equipment, and control systems.
We Optimize
Poor Recycling: Handsorting misses up to 85%
Expect Results
turn disposal cost into recycling profits, learn in-house sorting, get suppliers or off-takers, produce high purity, clean recyclates to industry standard, export options
Too many operators think hand-sorting is cheap or good enough. But waste plants usually receive dirty material and rarely recover more than 20%. But they could easily achieve a 95% recovery rate with a few tweaks in process design, sensor-based technology & automation. However, separation at source is best.
We provide Solutions for
Our Services - Brownfield

Our Services - Greenfield
Assess Feasibility
Best Plant Design
Best Technology
Green Finance
Our Clients

Completed Projects