I often hear that consumers are to blame for the massive waste pollution in Asia.
But if consumers stop to consume more, economies collapse. Right?
And hasn't every shred of waste in the Klong, River, the Ocean also been someone's product, income, GDP?
Sure, Asia's waste crisis is also a consequence of personal neglect.
But with public sector waste treatment widely inexistent, the industry still ignores a huge business potential. Create and run a leavy and deposit system for PET bottles (no potable water grid that competes). Build and operate waste treatment facility with a staggering 30% return rate...
In my childhood in Germany, mums would take us kids inside, when scrap and waste collectors came around. We used to throw stones at bottles in the village garbage ditch. Fast forward 50 years: recycling companies of today are industrial conglomerates worth billions.
Waste plants that stop all emissions, extract recyclables and convert the rest to coal grade fuel are cheaper and simpler than you might think.
They can be operational anywhere in SE Asia within 6 months. Decentralized, in places with as little as 100 tons per day.
have a look at www.wastego.org

Great posst