Waste-to-Energy in our region is much more demanding than you might think.
Here is why
- waste sources that are widely uncontrolled and unseparated,
- huge methane emissions from the large and polluted organic fraction,
- large volumes of massively contaminated leachate and
- a safe final disposal infrastructure that is widely missing.
New Projects
have to somehow try to solve all these issues or run a high risk of non-compliance and pollution.
Being a Developer
here is more complex and more demanding, requires more design engineering and technology know-how than anywhere else - not less.
So, what can you do?
It's a small step for you - but a giant leap for your project performance:
Join my workshop at the Recycling & Recovery Expo 2020 in BITEC, Bangkok and
Learn 7 Key Steps to make Your Project effective, profitable and clean.

Fuel from Waste - Easy Money from RDF?
Read the Fineprint
More and more newcomers to SE Asian waste management plan to sell Refuse Derived Fuel, RDF to cement companies. That's a very good trend. However, many seem to overlook the fine print and believe the sometimes overly simplistic view of equipment vendors. But earning money with RDF means much more than shredding and screening any material you have.
Here is why
Buyers like cement companies require your RDF to meet 10 quality standards or more. Missing their required or acceptable limits means you will have to pay hefty penalties. Your delivery might even be rejected entirely.
What are the Quality Criteria?
Limits apply to the content of moisture, ash,…